When a person is grounding, (also called earthing), it refers to contact with the earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to the earth of a conductive system. Through this process, excess charge in a person’s body is equalised. When a charged object (person) is grounded, the excess charge is balanced by the transfer of electrons between them and the earth. Grounding Buddy is an indoor conductive system that allows for indoor grounding. It is the most natural way to fight inflammation and oxidative stress, as inflammation and oxidative stress is a result of an electron deficiency.
To date 24 peer reviewed studies have been done on the benefits or earthing. This is worthwhile reading.
WATCH this documentary on grounding by Clint Ober, the pioneer of grounding/earthing, and download your copy of an article summarising the peer reviewed research on GROUNDING.